Oscar Demeulenaere receives an award from the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging.
Our PhD student has been awarded at the online event “EACVI Best of Imaging 2020”.
French President E. Macron launches Paris Santé Campus
Our lab will play an active role in Paris Santé Campus, a large project for digital health.
How does the brain activity change during repetitive behaviours?
Our latest publication on functional ultrasound imaging has just been released in Nature Communications.
The latest news on ultrasound for neurosciences featured in The Conversation
Our ongoing research on the brain is summarized for the general audience in an article published this week.
Functional ultrasound imaging and autism
A video explaining how ultrasound can help studying autism is now online!
Hanna Bendjador awarded the 2020 French Rising Talent Prize “For Women in Science”
Hanna Bendjador has received a prize from the L’Oréal Foundation-UNESCO program For Women In Science.
Pharmaco-fUS: How Ultrasound could foster drug discovery in neuroscience
Pharmaceutical application of functional ultrasound is demonstrated in three recent publications and an awarded poster
Transcranial super-localization imaging of the adult brain in the Best Of EMIM Talks 2020
Charlie Demené was awarded for his presentation at EMIM on transcranial ULM in adult patients
Hanna Bendjador wins the Best Student Award at IEEE IUS, Las Vegas, 2020
Our PhD student awarded at the 2020 International Ultrasonics Symposium.
3D ultrafast echocardiography: full characterization of cardiac functions within a heartbeat
3D ultrafast echocardiography is in the news with a new publication and a conference highlight.
Ultrasound angiography of coronaries goes 3D
Our recent publication in Physics in Medicine and Biology reports the first implementation in 3D of ultrafast Doppler for coronary flows imaging.
New advances in functional ultrasound imaging for neuroscience
Three articles on fUS imaging were published only a few days apart in high-impact journals.
Clément Papadacci awarded at EuroEcho conference
C. Papadacci has been awarded at EuroEcho 2019 for his work on 4D ultrafast echocardiography.
Our lab designated Center of Excellence by the Focused Ultrasound Foundation
This prestigious distinction recognizes years of research, led by J.F. Aubry, aiming at developing ultrasound-based therapies
Two PhD graduates awarded the prestigious “Prix de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris”
Charlotte Constans and Guillaume Maimbourg, have been awarded the Prix de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris for their thesis on therapeutic ultrasound.
3D ultrafast ultrasound is the most cited paper in PMB over the past 5 years
Our researchers have won the Rotblat Medal of the journal Physics in Medicine & Biology
Non-invasive therapy of aortic stenosis: a successful first clinical trial
Ultrasound-based therapy of aortic stenosis has been performed for the first time in patients.
Baptiste Heiles wins a Research Picture Award at IEEE IUS
Our PhD student Baptiste Heiles has won the third Visualising Physical Acoustics Research Picture Prize of the International Ultrasound Symposium.
New publication in Nature Methods on 4D functional ultrasound imaging
Our results on 4D functional ultrasound imaging using matrix arrays have just been published in Nature Methods.
Mickael Tanter interviewed in the French magazine La Recherche
In an interview given to La Recherche, Mickael Tanter showcases functional ultrasound imaging.
The New Wave of Cardiovascular Biomechanics
Our work has been highlighted in JACC Cardiovascular Imaging as a significant advance for precision cardiac imaging.
Mickael Tanter featured in AXA Research Guide
In this guide, researchers share their views on how to address the health challenges associated with increased longevity.
Best Poster Award at a Brain Conference organized by the FENS
Our postdoc Antoine Bergel has won the Best Poster Presentation Award at the conference “Dynamics of the brain: temporal aspects of computation”
Healing neurological disorders with ultrasound
Our researchers, together with the University of Oxford and the Institut du Cerveau et la Moelle Epinière, have demonstrated the potential of focused ultrasound for therapeutic modulation of the neural activity.
New publication in Nature Communications
Brain activation has been imaged and analyzed during complex cognitive tasks using functional ultrasound imaging. The study has just been published in Nature Communications.
Article on fUS imaging in the weekly french Magazine Le Point
The fUS imaging technique, pioneered by our team, is highlighted in the french magazine Le Point.
Spotlight of Trends in Neurosciences for our recent Nature Comm. publication on sleep
Our recent work on sleep, published in Nature Communication in December 2018, has been brought into the spotlight of the journal Trends in Neurosciences.
The power of ultrasound: a video footage made in our lab by Sciences et Avenir
Sciences et Avenir, a leading French journal in popular science, has visited our laboratory and the video footage has just been released.
A new research project for the management of heart failure
Our laboratory participates in a large collaborative research project aiming at improving the understanding and management of heart failure.
Mickael Tanter enters the European Academy of Sciences
Mickael Tanter has been elected as a fellow of the European Academy of Sciences